


林: 針對亞裔的仇恨及暴力的事件,亞裔女性受害者是男性的2.3倍!對年輕人(17歲及以下)的心理也造成很大的影響,父母不一定明白。在這些暴力中,口頭暴力大概佔了68%。有些年青人就遇到同學走到面前,兇巴巴對他說:「滾回中國去!」,每個人的反應可能不同,有些就會哭,躲起來不敢上學;有些就跟對方打起來,以暴易暴。












法律保障黑人可以投票是在上世紀六十年代的「民權運動」(Civil Rights Movement)中才實現,這才不過50年前的事。黑人在美國占了13% 的人口,收入只有白人的1/10。他們在監獄裡面的人數比非黑人多了四、五倍。有些人否定這種現象與社會制度和群體文化有關。他們說黑人懶惰不做工,又常犯法,所以監牢裡面都是他們的人。說這些話就是出於種族歧視,認為某種皮膚顏色的人,整個群體天生就是比較差勁。是真的嗎?我們應該問:為什麼這樣的社會現象會發生,是怎樣發展出來的呢?


邱:我們要很小心泛政治的傾向,不要讓政治家牽著我們的鼻子走。要小心不要高舉政治家的理念,多過高舉聖經的教導。在社會穩定繁榮的時候,華人被看作「模範的少數民族(model minority)」。但在社會動盪時, 卻很無辜地變成了代罪羔羊。除了人身安全受威脅以外,可能也會引起身份的危機。被人家叫說:「回老家去!」我們會問: 「老家?我以為這裡就是我的家啊!」楊鳳崗博士曾經指出我們有三種身份:華人,美國人,基督徒。面對排華的現象,三種身份可能出現矛盾或危機,我們該如何自處?










第四,要禱告,求神賜下智慧,先想好該有的正面反應,主所喜悅的反應。如果有人對你說: “Chino, go home”,你要先想好怎麼回應?先尋問神你要怎麼處理?如果人家把你推倒,好像電視報導在紐約街頭髮生的事,你要怎麼反應?是不吭聲地走開呢?還是站起來?要報警還是不報警呢?要怎麼做呢?這樣,你就不會被別人的仇恨牽著鼻子走。



邱清萍著:《從飄泊到植根—北美華人教會采風錄》。美國中信出版,2010年。作者在書中第一部份追溯早年華人移民美國的艱辛及遭遇,包括在排華法案下如何爭取生存的空間。然而,早期華人教會也是在很多白人教會愛心的支持和培育下形成。 (本人網頁有訂書頁)




1. 在什麼事上你或父母曾對人有種族歧視或仇恨的表現?為什麼會這樣表現?
2. 分享一件你曾因自己的種族被別人歧視的經歷。





1. 作為人你在那方面有神的形像?
2. 作為一個種族/民族的群體,你們在那方面具有神的形像?
3. 人卻常照自己的形像造神,你能舉出一個例子嗎?
4. 有沒有那一個種族群體的人,你會覺得最有困難與他們打交道?
5. 你如何學習不從膚色或國藉,只從神的形像來看人?
6. 作為美藉華裔,你如何對自己及別人活出有自我價值與尊嚴的人生?
7. 分享你所認識的亞洲文化與精神遺產其中一個美好的特徵。




作為人,我們都有神的形像,這是很基要的共通點;我們的差異也是很寶貴的,神喜悅多元,祂創造萬物,各從其類(伯38-41)。在新約,耶穌基督賜恩典給所有的人,不分種族或地位。祂尊重所遇見的每個人,包括尊貴的猶太男人或女人、稅吏、妓女、痳瘋患者撒瑪利亞人,和迦南人。使徒行傳記載耶穌門徒如何突破偏見,把福音傳給外邦人。在他們眼中,外邦人是不潔的。神三次用異像對彼得說:「神所潔淨的,你不可當作俗物。」彼得終於能夠對人說:「我看出神是不偏待人。各國中那敬畏主、行義的人都為主所悅納。」(徒十34)神沒有要求我們都一樣才愛我們,祂的恩典有很大的空間容納很多的差異。神並沒有以祂的恩典消除差異,卻要求我們在差異中持守合一。聖靈在五旬節降臨在各地來耶路撒冷的眾人身上,他們就說起自己的家鄉話來。 (徒二1-11)神並沒有除去各地的語言,或賜下一個新的語言,祂只是在他們不同的語言中,賜下理解其中信息的能力。



神喜愛公義,這是催逼我們要抗衡種族主義的另一個重要原因。舊約的先知一再宣講神關心那些受迫害的人,為他們追討公平的待遇。耶利米先知說「神喜悅在世施行公平和公義」(耶九24);阿摩司先知說神要祂的百姓「在城門口秉公行義」、「惟願公平如大水滾滾,使公義如江河滔滔」(摩五15、 24);彌迦先知說神向我們所要的是「行公義、好憐憫,存謙卑的心與神同行」(彌六8)。神喜愛公義,制度性不平等的種族歧視壓根兒不公義,是與神的旨意背道而馳的。

1. 以上所提有關抗衡種族主義的四個聖經原則:創造、神的形像、多元、及公義,對你來說,那個原則使你感受最深?為什麼?
2. 聖經曾被套用來支持種族主義,你聽過或接觸過嗎?有什麼例子?
3. 我們的教會該如何矯正有種族歧視嫌疑的解經?
4. 為抗衡種族歧視與仇恨,你可以採取什麼的行動?
5. 與父母談及種族歧視問題,無論是他們所遭遇的,或是他們不自覺的犯了,有什麼引起話題的好主意?


1. 分享你曾經歷被排斥和被拒絕,歸屬感被剝奪的感受。
2. 你有沒有曾經排斥別人,拒人於千里之外,使人無所依歸?可以分享嗎?
3. 試比較以上兩種經歷,你認為背後的動力是什麼?

1. 依你看,保羅為何在第十一節提及這件使人難堪的往事?
2. 耶穌如何改變外邦人的處境(13-19節)?
3. 我們曾經樹立了什麼樣的屏障,無論是種族的、社交的或經濟的,使他人​​​​不能和我們聯合成為神的家?
4. 我們可以如何成長,使神的家成為祂所喜悅居住的地方。

以上材料摘自:Facing Racism by PCUSA和 Losing Face & Finding Grace by Tom Lin;並由福遍中國教會Pastor Samuel Kwan and Pastor Jeremy Chu編寫,邱清萍翻譯。

Bible Study On:

Racism and Discrimination for the Asian American Church

Introduction: The following 3-part Bible study aims at helping Asian Americans to understand a biblical response to racism and discrimination in America. It has been adapted from the following two sources: Facing Racism by PCUSA and Losing Face & Finding Grace by Tom Lin, compiled and edited by Pastor Samuel Kwan and Pastor Jeremy Chu of Fort Bend Community Church in Houston, Texas.


Growing up in America as an Asian American we are often unrightfully expected to conform. However, when we look back at American History, there are instances of hate, racism and discrimination towards Asian Americans. We hope to encourage the next generation of Asian Americans with a biblical understanding and perspective to take ownership and grow, and have a biblical response to racism, discrimination, and hate.

Opening Question:

  1. What are some instances where you or your parents have shown racism, discrimination or hate towards another? Why do you think this happened?
  2. Share an instance where you were discriminated against based on your race?

Biblical Imperative to Antiracism


The Bible provides a firm foundation and compelling imperative to engage in antiracist work. There are at least five different biblical themes that can ground and motivate antiracism. While we will read some selected texts, it is important to recognize that these themes are not confined to isolated verses. Rather, they are woven throughout the biblical witness.


Read: Genesis 1:1-31 see also Psalm 104

We are all part of God’s intricate and amazing creation. We did not bring ourselves into being, rather we receive our existence as a gift from God. Our lives are interwoven with all of creation, including the stars, planets, oceans, animals, trees, and plants around us. We are all part of creation that God has made and declared good. God created all the cosmos in an intricate interwoven system of life. When humanity elevates one group over another or falsely declares particular groups less good than others, we usurp God’s place as the creator of all that is. We deny our interrelation and proclaim our judgment more powerful than God’s.

Image of God

Read: Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness.”

Humanity is made in the image of God. While humans have many differences, we are all children of God, made in the image of God, and therefore of equal worth, value, and dignity. We are called to a vision of humanity without racism that is “grounded in our common origin as children of God from which we derive our inalienable worth, dignity, and sanctity.” All humans are made in the image of God. It is therefore falsehood and deception to deny the full humanity of any group of people.

  1. In what ways are you made in the image of God as an individual?
  2. In what ways are you made in the image of God as a race/ethnic group?
  3. Share an example of how mankind has made God in his image.
  4. Who are the people groups that you have the most difficult time connecting with?
  5. How can you begin to see others as the image of God, rather than by the color of their skin or the country that they come from?
  6. How can Chinese Americans demonstrate self-worth and dignity to themselves and others?
  7. Share another example of the beauty of Asian culture and heritage.


Growing up in America is a blessing that many in the world do not experience. There is a diversity to this country that is unmatched by any other.  However, that diversity comes with challenges in racism and discrimination.  God created all people to be equal but mankind has broken that equality. ALL people groups are at fault, not just one specific group of people. God created diversity and justice for His glory.

  1. Share about the diversity that you have been a part of in this country
  2. Share about the lack of diversity you have been a part of in this country
  3. As you contrast these two experiences, share the benefits and challenges that they have presented to you as an Asian American.

God loves diversity

Read: Acts 10:9-23

While focusing on the image of God emphasizes how all human persons are fundamentally the same, the differences between persons are also valuable. The Bible portrays God as delighting in the variety in creation (see Job 38-41). In the New Testament, the God of Jesus Christ offers grace to all people, regardless of their social group or status. Jesus spoke with and honored all those he encountered, including respectable Jewish men, women, tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, Samaritans, and Canaanites. The book of Acts recounts the momentous decision to proclaim the gospel to the gentiles, who were at the time considered unclean by the Jewish followers of Jesus. Peter’s initial hesitation to have anything to do with gentiles is overcome by a series of visions in which God tells him, “What God has made clean, you must not call profane.” Once convinced, Peter tells others, “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him” (Acts 10:34). People do not have to all be the same in order to be loved by God. There is room in God’s grace for vast differences. And the grace of God does not erase differences but rather invites unity among them. When the Spirit came upon the people at Pentecost, each person present could hear the believers speaking in his or her native language (Acts 2:1-11). God did not provide a new language that erased all native tongues. Rather, God created understanding within the diversity of languages present.

God loves variety and diversity. The grace of God is not contained within particular human groups, nor does God’s grace erase our differences. Racism falsely proclaims that difference is negative, rather than evidence of God’s abundant creativity.

God loves justice

Read: Jeremiah 9:23-24

Another Biblical theme that compels us to anti-racism work is God’s delight in justice. The prophets of the Hebrew Bible continually proclaim God’s care for those who are 3 oppressed and God’s demand for just action. Jeremiah says that God “delights” in justice (Jer. 9:24). In Amos, the LORD calls for the people to “establish justice in the gate” and “let justice roll down like waters” (Amos 5:15, 5:24). The prophet Micah states that what the LORD requires is “to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). God delights in justice. Racism, as systemic inequality, is fundamentally unjust and therefore against the will of God.

Discussion questions:

  1. Which of these four biblical foundations (Bible study 1&2) for anti-racism work (creation, image of God, diversity, and justice) speaks most powerfully to you? Why?
  2. The Bible has often been used to support racism. What are some ways you have heard or seen this happen?
  3. How can our church community counter racist interpretations of the Bible?
  4. What steps can you take towards advocacy against racism, discrimination and hate?
  5. What is a good conversation starter to talk to your parents about racism, discrimination and hate they have faced or put on another in America?


The church community has a mission. That mission is to bring others to full members of the Household of God from our former alienation.  The church community is charged with breaking down the social barriers that humankind has erected. These barriers prevent membership and instead, reinforce alienation. This last section of Bible study will look at Paul’s vision for what a church community should be in lieu of racism and discrimination and how we should address it today.

  1. Describe a time in your life when you felt excluded and unaccepted, as though you didn’t not belong.
  2. Describe a time when you left someone out and excluded them, as though they didn’t belong
  3. As you contract these two experiences, what drives you to do this (excluding and not accepting) to others and have others do this to you.

Household of God

Read Eph:2:11-22

Discussion Questions:

  1. The Israelites were under the kingship of God and thus, were members of God’s society. Those not in this society were referred to as “aliens.” What do you think it was like living as a Gentile alien in Jewish society?
  2. Why do you think Paul brings up such an unpleasant remembrance in verse 11?
  3. How has Jesus changed the condition of the Gentiles (vv. 13-19)?
  4. What dividing walls (racial, social, economic) do we erect that prevent us and others from coming together as God’s household?
  5. How can we better grow our households into “dwelling places for God?”